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The Draglen Brothers - SHOWKEN (BK 2)

  The Draglen Brothers

  — S H O W K E N —

  BOOK 2

  By Solease M Barner

  Copyright © 2013 by Solease M Barner

  First Edition –November 2013

  Cover design & formatting by Patti Roberts

  All rights reserved

  License Notes

  Amazon Edition

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work. This book is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents depicted herein are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Thank You

  I have to thank all my readers, who support me in my writing. I appreciate all the love for this new series. I feel very blessed when I encounter many of you on my website, Facebook, emails, and even in public. I hope to encounter more of you in the future.

  I hope you enjoy the second book in the series, readers!

  I must thank a few people individually:

  Kera Montgomery, you are awesome. I’m so happy to have you as a supporter. I am honored to have your support. I truly appreciate all your work!

  Denise Bush you are a rock star! I’m so glad to have you a part of my team. Thank you for supporting me. Thanks for the gifts you make for my books, they are special to me. I love the necklace, it’s fabulous! I’m happy you enjoy my books, and hope you enjoy SHOWKEN!

  Karen Henderson you are like a machine, you just keep promoting my books, and for that I say thank you. I appreciate all your hard work and hope you continue to support me.

  I have to thank my wonderful group, my Beautiful Divas, I love each and every one of you! I hope Showken is what you all expect.

  There are so many of you who go out of your way for me, I can’t name you all, but know I love you all! I look forward to getting feedback on this series from you all!

  The Special People working on the book to make it perfect:

  Tabitha Ormiston-Smith, you know how to make a girl work. We’ve done it again, another book completed!! Whooohoo!! You are the best editor I’ve encountered. You were less evil during the editing this time, which means I’m learning! I know I can say that to you. I always say to myself, Tabitha and I are in a love/hate relationship. I know when you are angry when I see caps in comments on edits. I also know when something made you giggle as well. I appreciate you teaching me to be better at writing, and keeping my feet to the fire. I love working with you and look forward to more books together!

  Patti Roberts, you are full of talent! I look forward to doing covers with you. The way you bring life to my vision on a cover is amazing. SHOWKEN’s cover is HOT!!!I’m like a kid in a candy store when I know we are working on covers. You’re always so patient with me, very accommodating, and kind. I always say you’re heaven sent, and I mean that. I can’t wait to work with you, it’s such a joy to spend time working on covers with you, even when I ask for changes after I’ve said ‘I love it’, you change it without complaint, and for that I thank you deep down.

  Beta Readers

  I LOVE YOU ALL!! I truly enjoy how you are all so truthful with me about my books. I won’t give names, because I like to keep my beta readers to myself! You all know who you are, my first readers. I always look forward to your feedback. You are all awesome!

  Special Thanks

  I’m not ashamed and will always thank my heavenly father Jesus Christ. I would not even be here without Him. I have to thank my wonderful husband. I’m so blessed to share my life with you. I love that you are so accepting of my madness, when writing, editing, promoting, and the crazy schedule I have, still you never complain. To my precious daughter, Mommy loves our time together. I love that smile and how we can talk about anything. You will always be my baby. Thank you Mom and Dad, for supporting me with all the wisdom you give me. I love you both, and consider it a blessing to have you as parents. I love all my sisters and love each one of you for being there for me no matter what. Shatina, my manager, I love you so much; you always make sure I stay focused, reminding me of all the important things, and pushing out the negative. Thank you. To my nephew/son, I love talking with you. You are so wise at such a young age, your advice is appreciated. To Nikki, you are the best P.A. and I’m not ever letting you go. To my friend who is awesome, I love reading books with you and discussing our fictional boyfriends, you know who you are, SWH!!! LOL. To the best book club ever, I love all of you and enjoy our meetings, with such great food and wine! If I have missed anyone please don’t charge it to my heart. I love all my family and friends!

  Solease M Barner


  Aumdo (n) - The Laws, written in book form for dragons.

  Cortamagen (n) - The land where the Draglen brothers live.

  Cati (adj) - Foolish, silly.

  Dorli (ejac) - I apologize.

  Giver (n) - A man or woman chosen by one of the Draglen Descendants to fulfil his or her sexual needs; the position approximates to that of a kept mistress.

  Hulin (n) - A cliff that belongs to Draglen Dragons.

  Kalin (n) - The planet on which Cortamagen is located.

  Key (n) -A human who keeps a portal open for dragons to travel from their land to Earth. Not all humans have this ability.

  Leka (n) - A loyal friend.

  Magen (n) - The language of Cortamagen.

  Molla (n) - The male mate in Kalin.

  Taker (n) - A dragon who has taken a Giver.

  Wella (n) -The female mate in Kalin.

  Youngs (n) -Children.

  Zell (n) - Beloved.

  Always Mine!

  I thought I had more time,

  But then, I laid eyes on you,

  And thought, she sure is fine

  Even made up in my mind how to make you mine!

  Yet, you wouldn't even let me take you out to dine.

  I was persistent though, I knew you just needed time.

  I even crossed the line and almost lost you,

  For not using my mind,

  Yet, here we are together


  Shining forever!

  Always Mine!


  Why the hell did Draken choose me to run the business? Damn. If I’m running it, then human women are allowed in the car, house, and definitely the office. I’m happy Layern and Hawken are coming along. Gemi decides to stay, but Domlen decided he would come, also.

  “Okay, I’m in charge now and I say there are no rules, except don’t expose us or I will be fucking pissed,” I say. Layern ignores me. Hawken and Domlen just look.

  “You’re not running shit,” Hawken says.

  “I run everything,” I say, “and unlike Draken, I will burn your ass, and that will take months to heal. Now, who’s up for a drink at a bar I’ve been dying to go to?”

  “I’m up for it. What’s the name of the bar?” Domlen says, not looking up from his laptop.

  “Hot Chicks and Drinks,” Layern says, looking serious. I have to make sure Layern gets laid. Domlen and Hawken and I have nothing to worry about.

  “Well lets go see what’s in the Hot Chicks and Drinks Bar. I think this might be my lucky day.”

  I go to my room to get ready. I love human women, and pla
n on bringing at least two home tonight. I just don’t like when they get all “Showken, you going to call,” or “Showken, I think I love you,” to hell with that. I don’t want that shit. I just want a good lay, and to keep it moving. I may settle down in about, oh, another hundred years, but right now I’m having fun. I walk back, Domlen and Layern are ready. Hawken hasn’t bothered to change.

  “Okay, no hurting the human women. If they say no, respect it and move on. Don’t start any fights, as we have to go to work on Monday. Please, don’t fall in love like Draken, he went crazy. Now he is hooked on Cess. I don’t have time for a repeat.” I grab the keys to the Hummer.

  “Showken, stop giving out orders, you sound like Draken. He always wants to give out orders,” Hawken says. We all laugh.

  “Yeah, but now Cess is giving the orders,” Domlen says. Layern shakes his head.

  “Let’s just go have some fun. Look, we’re already here,” Hawken says.

  We all walk into the bar, and it’s pretty packed, but it’s Friday. I’m casing the place, and see her behind the bar placing drinks on a tray. She has dark brown hair, hanging straight. Her body has all the right curves. Yes, she is going to be one of them tonight. She looks mad, but I’ll just smile. She will melt and the panties will be off.

  “I’m going to get a waitress for us, go find a table,” I say, heading straight for her.

  “Stop giving out orders!” Hawken yells out. I ignore his jealous ass and keep moving until I’m right in front of her.

  “Excuse me. My brothers and I need our order to be taken,” I say, hoping she will look up. Instead, she keeps placing drinks on the tray to deliver.

  “So fucking what. Wait your turn,” she says, and moves around me, walking toward another table. Shit. This one has some issues. It doesn’t matter. I still want to have her in my bed tonight. I walk to our table, and sit. She walks over with a small pad and pen.

  “What can I get you boys?”

  “Boys?” Domlen says, “You see any boys?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes. Now what you want to drink?”

  Oh, she is really angry. I like it.

  “We would like some pitchers of beer, the best you have,” Layern says.

  “Is that all?” she asks, not looking at any of us. I wonder what that’s all about. She can’t be shy with a mouth like that. Hmmm . . .

  “Yes, I would like to know what time you’re off?” I ask, trying to get her to look at me. She finally does. There are those beautiful grey eyes. She is one angry lady, but I like her. She could be fun.

  “Look, I’m not interested. I’ll be back with the beer,” she says, walking away. I watch her sexy walk, back to the bar counter to get our orders. She is a woman. Her ass, breasts, and hips are perfect.

  “Showken, I think you should leave this one alone. She is very good at blocking emotion, but I was able to sense that she is very angry and damaged,” Layern says.

  “I think you guys can talk about this, I’ve spotted my fun for tonight,” Hawken says, heading over to a table with a couple of ladies. They look fun, all smiles, but I want her. She basically said ‘fuck off’ to me, and that is not happening.

  “She’s an angry human female, but she is not allowed to call me boy again, or she’ll-” Domlen says, just as our pitchers arrive. She sets them down with glasses, and I slide a hundred towards her.

  “Here’s your beer, and is this to start a tab?” she snaps.

  “Nope, it’s your tip for being so nice,” I say, giving her a wicked smile. She is angry, huh? Well, I will see if she is really not into me, or just too scared to admit it. I notice she just stares at me, and we do this staring thing for a good ten seconds before she blinks.

  “I’ll start your tab,” she says, snatching the money and walking away.

  “I see that Hawken is having a good time, I’m going to claim myself some fun, too.” Domlen says, pouring himself a glass and taking a pitcher with him, heading towards Hawken and the women.

  “Layern, what is it about her?” I ask, not taking my eyes off her as she takes orders and delivers them.

  “You shouldn’t, but since she gave you a challenge, I see you will stop at nothing to have her, just be careful.” Layern takes a long gulp. “I’m going to dance and have some fun, too. I think you should come too. I see those women on the floor dancing our way, they are waiting for us,” he says, rising, and moving closer to the dancing floor, which is not very big, but big enough.

  “I’ll join you in a second, get them warm and I’ll be over to relieve you of one,” I say, smiling, knowing Layern is good at dancing. He can handle two or three human women at once. Layern walks away shaking his head. I continue staring at her. I need her name. I walk to the bar, blocking her from going behind it.

  “What the hell you doing?” she yells at me, trying to go around. I just smile, and wait for her to look at me. Finally her head rises to meet mine. She is beautiful, even angry.

  “What’s your name?”

  “I’m not telling you my name. You’re more than likely a stalker as you can’t take a hint already,” she snaps, placing her hands on those lovely hips. “Now move!” She looks me dead in the eyes, but I see a guard up, not anger. Huh, I need to know more.

  “I’m Showken. You are . . .” I say, raising a brow. She is not getting past without a name.

  “Marilyn, now can you move?” she says through her teeth.

  “That wasn’t hard, Marilyn, and yes, I will move, for now,” I say, stepping aside and making sure to feel her heat as she slides past me, trying not to touch. I stand and listen as she gives the bartender her order for another table. She looks pissed, but I still want her. She just has to be difficult, and I love a challenge. She turns and looks at me, rolling her beautiful eyes. Oh, yes, this one I will have. I return a wide smile, and head for the dance floor. I pull the first girl I see out of her seat, and dance with her seductively. The lady is very willing and aroused, but my eye is on Marilyn as she watches the show. I sniff the air, and there it is; she is hot. She likes my dancing. I make eye contact with her, then we just stare at each other, and I mouth “I want you,” licking my lips for her pleasure. I really need this woman. I see Domlen and Hawken walk out with their fun for tonight. Smiling, I nod to them. The song ends, and Layern meets me at the table.

  “Showken, what is it about her? I’m picking up anger and arousal, but the anger is way more intense. The human you were just dancing with is willing to do whatever with you,” Layern says, drinking straight from the only pitcher left. I smile, knowing she has to come back.

  “Marilyn!” I yell, forcing her to look again. She looks sexy as hell walking this way. I may just want her because she said no. Whatever the reason, I can’t help but rise to the challenge. Finally getting to our table, she places her hands on her hips, narrowing beautiful grey eyes at me.

  “We need more pitchers,” I say, raising my brow and sliding another hundred dollar bill her way. She snatches again, and storms off without a word. She says nothing, heading for the bar.

  “You are really pissing her off,” Layern says, finishing the pitcher.

  “I know, that’s the point. She’s very angry, very hot, too. I think a little fun will help her out,” I say, not taking my eyes off her as she brings four pitchers back to the table. I wonder does she think she can get me drunk? She bangs them down, spilling some, and storms off angrily. I tilt my head, watching her walk away is amazing.

  “Layern, I’m not giving up on this one. After I have my fun I’ll leave her alone,” I say, grabbing a pitcher, and taking a huge gulp.

  “Ok, but I’m telling you, this one is not for fun. She has secrets that I can’t get to. I’d stay clear if I were you, but seeing the sparkle in your eye, brother, I know you will stop at nothing. So good luck.”

  “Luck? Shit, I plan on having a good time with Ms Marilyn,” I say. “Her anger only excites me. Besides, I don’t think she knows how angry I can get.” I watch her maneuver thro
ugh the crowd delivering beers.

  She ignores me for the rest of the night. Layern invites some ladies to the table, and they are very willing, but I can’t keep my eyes off her. I give attention to the redhead purring next to me, but I don’t want an easy lay tonight. I want a challenge, and I see I have one. Studying her walk, how she stands, her eyes, I smile, thinking it will be fun getting to know her. She shakes her head every time she looks my way, sighing in frustration. Yes, I’m in her mind, now I want in that body of hers.

  “I’m going home, brother. You coming?” Layern says, standing with a lady on his arm. I stare at him in confusion, I know who already holds my brother’s heart. Maybe he’s over her.

  “I think I’ll make sure Marilyn gets home safe, but you have some fun with both,” I say, leaning over and giving the redhead next to me a kiss. “Sweetheart, you and your friend will take care of my brother, right?” I smile, and she melts.

  “Yes, of course,” she says, rising. Layern takes her arm, and they all go for the door. It’s getting late. I will stay until she leaves. I need to see what I’m up against.


  I wish this guy would just leave. Shit, I don’t have time for this crap. If he thinks throwing his money around is going to get him laid, then he is out of his mind. I hate when these rich asses come in the bar, and assume, because I work at a bar, that I’m desperate. Please.

  I can’t wait to get home and soak my feet. I’ve been working all day; leaving my first job at the gas station, and coming to the bar with only an hour break, my jobs can really wear me out. Glancing at his table, I see his friend is leaving, and he is staring at me, again, with those fucking amazing eyes. I don’t care if he waits. If he harasses me when I get off work, which is in about twenty minutes, I’m going to kick him right in the balls.